I know I started this whole blog thing a year ago, did a few posts, and then stopped ...
I think I need to be inspired when writing on this blog, so I guess I wasn't inspired much after that. But, it's now 2013, a new year, and with some additional cooking tools and a little inspiration, I'm going to begin new adventures in cooking and will hopefully blog about it as I go. No guarantees, it is me we're talking about here.
I got a couple new weapons for my cooking arsenal this year. My sister got me a Lodge 12" Seasoned Iron Skillet. I had been reluctant to try using a cast iron skillet for many years. They're heavy, can be a pain to clean, etc. But I know that all the best cooks use them, so I decided to put it on my Amazon Wish List and if it was meant to be, someone would get it for me for Christmas. Alas, the stars aligned and I am now the proud owner of a cast iron skillet. I've made a couple of dishes with it already, and will blog those separately, along with the recipes and my notations (I can't ever leave a recipe totally alone).
The other item on my wish list that I got for Christmas is another pasta maker attachment for my Kitchen Aid Mixer. Last year I got the regular pasta roller attachments that make the flat pastas like fettuccine, linguine, etc. After experimenting with that, and LOVING the pasta that it makes, I added the pasta extruder attachment to my wish list. The stars aligned again, and my wonderful husband got me that attachment as well. Now, I'll be able to make macaroni, rigatoni, spaghetti, etc. I did buy myself a ravioli mold last year but have never gotten around to trying out ravioli yet. I've been kicking around a recipe idea in my head that is a different take on eggs benedict that involves a ravioli with an egg inside. I'll post that too if I ever try it.
Wish me luck on my new cooking adventures and that I'll actually get some of them posted this time.
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